Why Does My Flute Squeak?

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Why Does My Flute Squeak-

Is it the instrument, or you? Super high pitches that make you jump are actually quite solvable once you know what is actually happening. The answer to “Why does my flute squeak?” is a combination of air speed and angles.

It’s safe to say that the instrument itself doesn’t make any sharp, high-pitched sounds itself until blown into. So we can safely rule out the flute being the culprit.

If  realize the exact moments when the quick screeches sound, you’ll notice that two things are almost always happening.

1. your airstream is being caught on an angle too much

-and, in almost every case simultaneously-

2. this gives the note the feeling of: you’ve tongued ‘too hard’ for the note in question

What does this mean? And how can you lower the probability of squealing as you play the flute?

It’s really common for inexperienced flute players to slightly tip their head joint in towards their face far more than it should be (it really shouldn’t be hardly at all- or none). For some reason they feel they get better tone this way. Too bad this is only true for a second, but then is actually causing other issues.

Besides that tone gets thin and flat / sharp, tipping in towards your face causes your airstream to catch ‘too much edge’ which when you tongue a little harder (which you need to do depending on the note), you get a super sonic squeak until you back off on how much air you’re blowing. Does this all sound familiar?

You’ve tongued ‘too hard’ for the note in question.

So, what’s the fix?

The remedy is not to learn how to play timidly, even though this can keep those quick screeches away. In fact, the quality instruments can be played quite aggressively. You can blow to your heart’s content… once you know how to angle that airstream properly.. for every note.

You can keep the squeaks at bay by simply keeping your lip plate more ‘level’ rather than tipped in. This will allow you to blow with the appropriate amount of air you need to be heard in a nice, full way as well as making those Sforzando type-tongues a total possibility.

The world is a much better place when the flutes keep their highest pitches in the purposeful realm.

Have you had an experience where squeaking on your flute ruined your day? Questions? Leave a comment and we’ll keep this conversation going.

Have any questions? Comment below and I will help you out.

Rebecca FullerRebecca Fuller
Get Flutie with us! Learn and enjoy every musical minute.

6 thoughts on “Why Does My Flute Squeak?”

  1. I often squeak when I reach the end of a piece of music especially around the high D above the stave but not when I start the piece. How do i fix this?

    1. Hi Orla, thanks for the question here today. It’s kind of normal for your embouchure (face muscles) to get kind of tightened up or have things get out of alignment the longer we play. You’ll want to work on learning really good technique so that you can constantly remind yourself of what you should be doing while you play..so that you won’t squeak. I’ll help you – all of these technique skills are here in the lesson modules. Awesome questions! -Rebecca

    1. Hi Landry, the E, Eb, and F, are kind of in a perfect spot to squeak, aren’t they? haha I’m glad you’re asking this question. You’ll want to be sure your flute head joint is NOT tipped towards your face as you play. The other hints come in as you learn good playing technique – I can show you! Come on into the Member’s Area here at Learn Flute Online and let’s get you on the path to playing well and so it’s easy.. and doesn’t take forever to play the way you want to. We’re having fun here and have a great community. Rebecca

  2. I often squeak, especially on the “a” one line above the staff. I have stopped turning the mouthpiece inward, but the squeaking has continued.

    1. Hi Lynne, okay the squeaky sound on your A is most likely an overflowing issue right at the first of your note. Soften up your tongue strike and blow slower air. This should do the trick! I’m so glad you’re thinking about the head joint and if your lip plate is turned in or not. Good job! Rebecca

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