What I Learned at My First Real Flute Lesson Part 2

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What I Learned at My First Real Flute Lesson 2

This article was kindly written by one of Rebecca Fuller’s advanced students:

Within two minutes of being at my flute lesson, I had already learned more about how to play the flute than I had ever been taught in my years of band classes. In this article I want to share with you a few more things I learned at my first real flute lesson.

My journey of becoming the greatest flute player I could be has been a blast.

From thirty seconds of hearing me play, Rebecca knew what I needed to begin my journey of becoming the greatest flute player I could.

In the last article I told you about the first lesson I was taught of learning to relax my cheeks and round my lips to produce a full tone. I was instantly drawn into the magical change that occurred when I played a single note. Who would have knowing that was just the start!

Next, Rebecca asked me to play a low B as clear and loud as I could. I assumed that she was checking my tuning, because the only time that we played a low B in band was for tuning.

Instead, she explained that many flute students in band have the misconception that flute players are supposed to be quiet and end up pinching their sound to blend in with the rest of the band. Little did I know that I was missing and entire side of the flute!

I learned that I didn’t know how to breathe properly. I would start playing a note without even taking a breath sometimes! Rebecca taught me how to take a proper breath and use my full lung capacity. Again, I was awe struck at the new possibilities the flute had.

Probably the most important thing I learned from my first flute lessons was that there was something very special about having instruction specifically directed to me. I had never before had the opportunity to play and get immediate and honest feedback from someone who really knew the flute.

Making the decision to take flute lessons is something that I will be grateful for the rest of my life. I can’t imagine where I would be today without the lessons I learned at my very first flute lesson.

I recommend Rebecca’s flute lessons to anyone with a flute and a desire to learn. I promise you will be amazed at the progress you make.

How was the start to your flute-playing career? What misconceptions did you have? What ideas have changed for you through your learning course?

Keep the conversation going by leaving a comment or question below. Flute-players Unite! -S.K.

Have any questions? Comment below and I will help you out.

Rebecca FullerRebecca Fuller
Get Flutie with us! Learn and enjoy every musical minute.

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