Double Tonguing Unlocked: Elevate Your Flute Playing to a 10 with Expert Tips

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Double Tonguing on Flute

Double Tonguing Unlocked: Elevate Your Flute Playing to a 10 with Expert Tips

Hey there, fellow flutist! It’s time to take your flute playing to the next level. In this quick-start guide, we’re diving deep into the exciting world of double-tonguing and unlocking the secrets to beginning this essential technique. So grab your flute and let’s get started!

What Exactly is Double Tonguing?

If you’ve been playing the flute for a while, you’ve probably heard about using your tongue to articulate notes. If you haven’t… contact me quick, and let me help you today. 🙂

Single tonguing is the standard technique, where you use the front of your tongue to start and separate notes. But what about double-tonguing?

Double tonguing is like using what you already know about using your tongue and turbocharging it. Instead of relying solely on the front of your tongue, you alternate between the front and back tongues to play faster and eventually smoother. It’s the secret weapon that can take your flute playing from good to great!

If you are kind of new to the lingo here and the word “articulation” needs more explanation, here’s a quick, friendly podcast for you to listen to that will explain and keep you entertained also.

Many players ask me how they can learn to play faster. Well, the answer lies in a few different areas of your playing technique. Your fingers are one way and your tongue is the other. Let me explain:

Why Double Tonguing Matters

So, why bother mastering double-tonguing? Well, for starters, it makes you a faster player. It’s not just about moving your fingers quicker; it’s about articulating notes with lightning speed. Whether you’re tackling rapid passages or adding flair to your performances, double-tonguing is the key to keeping up with the tempo.

Many players learn to single tongue pretty fast within a few years, but there comes a day when the tempo pushes past their ability.. Enter double-tonguing. (sneak peak: we also learn to triple tongue!)

Practical Tips to Start Double Tonguing Today

Now that you understand the importance of double tonguing, let’s dive into some practical tips to help you get started:

  • Alternate Tongue Focus: Begin by focusing on alternating between your front and back tongues. Practice articulating notes using each tongue independently, paying close attention to clarity and precision.
  • It’s kind of strange feeling at first. Your back tongue needs to start your notes just as cleanly as your front tongue eventually.
  • Start Slow, Then Speed Up: Like any new skill, double-tonguing takes time to master. Start at a comfortable pace and gradually increase the tempo as you gain fluency. 
  • Remember, it’s all about consistency and patience.

Strengthen your back tongue: Your back tongue will not work so well at first. Be patient, and keep at it. It will improve with time and practice. Watch the video on this page to see my demonstration and even more explanation.

  • Experiment with Rhythms: Experiment with different rhythms and patterns. Mix things up by incorporating triple tonguing or playing around with syncopated rhythms. The more you explore, the more versatile your double tonguing skills will become.
  • Example: practice saying “Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty”. If you can do this, you can double tongue! I’ll give you exact exercises and more fun ways to learn this inside the module area of Learn Flute Online.

Taking it to the Next Level: Triple Tonguing

Once you have the jist of and are using double tonguing more regularly, why not take it one step further with triple tonguing? Triple tonguing adds an extra layer of excitement to your playing skills even though your tongue is still just using a forward and back movement. 

I’ll teach you how to know what tonguing pattern to use depending on the sheet music and the tempo you’re using. Think about it: some notes are in two or four note patterns yet others are in sets of three. We’ll need the triple tonguing skill for the sets of three especially.

Remember that inside the membership walls of Learn Flute Online, there are neat packages of pre-recorded lessons just waiting for you to come and partake. Learn on your own level, at your own pace, and from the comfort of your own home. I’ll show you how to double tongue and triple tongue in the proper learning order. We can do it!

Conclusion: Elevate Your Flute Playing with Double Tonguing

In conclusion, double-tonguing is a game-changer for flute players, especially those who are striving to move to a higher level. 

Whether you’re a beginner looking to increase your playing abilities, or you’re an intermediate player seeking to add finesse to your performances and finding more speed, mastering double-tonguing is a must.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your flute, start experimenting with these ddouble-tonguingexercises, and unlock your full potential as a flutist. 

With dedication, perseverance, and education, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can elevate your flute playing to new heights. Happy practicing!

In this guide, we explored the exciting new world of double tonguing and provided practical beginning tips to help you begin this essential technique. For in-depth guides, examples, playing instructions, exercises, and real-world practice, be sure to join in the Member’s Area here at Learn Flute Online. All levels are available here for you from the Gold Level (foundational), Intermediate, to Advanced.

You can also watch this information on my youtube channel by clicking below, or by using the link:

Have any questions? Comment below and I will help you out.

Rebecca FullerRebecca Fuller
Get Flutie with us! Learn and enjoy every musical minute.

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