Gold Module 09 Flute Lessons

Home » Gold Module 09 Flute Lessons

Welcome to Module 9!

Total Time: 21 Minutes 31 Seconds

Flute Lessons Module 09


You are doing so great!

I bet you are seeing much improvement in your tone by now.  Is it solid sounding?  I hope so.

We get to learn cool finger tricks today. Enjoy!

**Remember to always complete the lessons in the order I have set for you so that it will always feel easy and fun.  That’s the secret to staying motivated and confident!

[headline style=”1″ font_size=”24″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”bold” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]1. Bored? Play with your fingers 🙂 1:58


[video_lightbox type=”embed” style=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ placeholder=”×200.jpg” placeholder_width=”300″ placeholder_height=”200″ align=”center”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Ii8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8xMTc0NjMyMzEiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzU4IiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_lightbox]



[headline style=”1″ font_size=”24″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”bold” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]2. Ready for new notes?? 4:18


[video_lightbox type=”embed” style=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ placeholder=”×200.jpg” placeholder_width=”300″ placeholder_height=”200″ align=”center”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Ii8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8xMTc0NjMyMzIiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzU3IiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_lightbox]



[headline style=”1″ font_size=”24″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”bold” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]3. Bye Baby… 3:28


[video_lightbox type=”embed” style=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ placeholder=”×200.jpg” placeholder_width=”300″ placeholder_height=”200″ align=”center”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Ii8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8xMTc0NjMyMzMiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzU4IiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_lightbox]



[headline style=”1″ font_size=”24″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”bold” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]4. Let’s learn the notes: 4:20


[video_lightbox type=”embed” style=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ placeholder=”×200.jpg” placeholder_width=”300″ placeholder_height=”200″ align=”center”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Ii8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8xMTc0NjMyMzUiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzYwIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_lightbox]



[headline style=”1″ font_size=”24″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”bold” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]5. Aren’t fireflies pretty? 7:27


[video_lightbox type=”embed” style=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ placeholder=”×200.jpg” placeholder_width=”300″ placeholder_height=”200″ align=”center”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Ii8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8xMTc0NjMyMzciIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzYwIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_lightbox]



[file_download style=”2″][download title=”Bye%20Baby%20Bunting%20Sheet%20Music” icon=”style3-audio_2_64x64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”][/download][download title=”Firefly%20Sheet%20Music” icon=”style3-audio_2_64x64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”][/download][download title=”Lesson%2009%20Progress%20Notes” icon=”style2-thumb-dl-pdf.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”][/download][download title=”G9%20Firefly%20×2%20accomp%20and%20flute” icon=”style2-thumb-dl-audio.png” file=”″ package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”][/download][/file_download]


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Rebecca Fuller

Gold Module 09 Flute LessonsGold Module 09 Flute Lessons


Have any questions? Comment below and I will help you out.

Rebecca FullerRebecca Fuller
Get Flutie with us! Learn and enjoy every musical minute.

171 thoughts on “Gold Module 09 Flute Lessons”

  1. Stuart Harding

    Hi I first bought my flute 4 weeks ago. (Yamaha 212). I have just started module 9. You may have been asked this before but how fast or slow should I be going through the modules? I complete each lesson and practice 30 minutes each day. I understand everyone learns at a different rate but how do I know when to go on to the next module. I do not want to move on too quickly. I should also say I find this way of learning/tuition fantastic. I wanted to learn a new skill and and with your lessons I am learning to play the flute and read music. Thanks Stuart from Edinburgh Uk

    1. Hey Stuart,
      Thanks for the message here. It’s good to hear from you.
      It sounds like you’re doing very well learning in the modules so far. It’s a great method!
      The first modules are ‘quicker wins’ and then as you come upon skills that feel a bit more unnatural you’ll want to slow down and do the repeats (hundreds on the same skill) before you should move on. You want to be sure and build a perfect foundation/base.
      *Yes, everyone has a different time frame for how long each take to complete because each person comes with a unique natural-tendency skill set.
      So glad you’re here.

  2. Hi, Rebecca!

    I love your lessons and I think I’m doing quite well. I have a question though. I need a lot of air for the low notes. So when I play Bye Baby Bunting for example I don’t know when and how to breathe and I actually get dizzy. Do you have any tips for that?

    Greetings from Germany. 🙂

    1. Hi Eva, thanks for this great question. The low notes actually take more air than the higher ones when you’re a newer player. And, I remember getting super dizzy when I was first learning to play. The good news? It goes away after a while. Your body is learning to cope with too much oxygen (inhaling and exhaling more rapidly than you’re used to), and this makes you dizzy. BIG hint for you now is to look in a mirror and notice that probably your aperture is too big. If you can manage to close the hole in your lips more, you’ll find all sorts of good things start to happen. You won’t waste so much air, it’ll last longer as you blow, and you won’t have to inhale as often. This means the dizzies will go away! Try it. Glad you’re doing well. 🙂 ~Rebecca

  3. Hi! I am really enjoying my lessons. I am an older learner, and I have arthritis in my neck and shoulders. I am more comfortable playing with my head tipped slightly to the right and the flute angled downward a little. Is it possible to achieve a good tone with this sort of positioning? And if not, can you suggest something that might help? Thanks!

    1. Hi Loyann, it is definitely possible. You’ll want to make sure you learn to play with your lips parallel to the lip plate. If you accomplish this then you’ll have an easier time learning good tone. Great question- sometimes we do what we need to do. 🙂 ~Rebecca

  4. Hi again Rebecca! I think I got the whistle figured out. It went away when I played in the mirror! Oops! That posture thing! I have another question. I’m on vacation and it’s really hot. I’m of course keeping my flute out of the sun but if it gets too warm will that damage my flute at all? Also, when I play the high E, I am changing my embouchure and blowing a little harder with my aim higher. Sounds good but isn’t that backwards? Which module should I being reviewing?? ? Thank you for your patience!!

    1. Yes, blowing harder is correct for the second octave E (is this what you’re referring to?). Keep your flute level or it’ll squeak on that note. As you experiment you’ll feel/hear what is working best. Just remember to keep your cheeks relaxed and not to pull into a smile. Yes, it’s getting hot here also. We need to be careful of the temperatures our flutes are in. Keep the flute in the best temperature you can, and it’ll be fine. Inside the house is okay in a shady spot. (not in the car.. ever) At this stage you should be reviewing the material from every module every day still. You’ll be a much better player because of it. Keep it up! ~Rebecca

  5. Hi Rebecca,
    Sometimes when I play I hear a slight whistle from the head plate. It’s problematic due to my emboucher being incorrect? Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Hi Leann, I wish I could hear the exact ‘whistle’ you’re talking about, but I’ll let you know that sometimes the end cap is leaking just slightly.. you can make sure your end cap is not rattling loose. (don’t tighten it past stopping point or it’ll move your cork). Some students feel vibrations or whistles only on certain notes.. if this happens, it’s because the mechanism needs to be tweaked by a good technician. Other than that, if you hear the whistling often, it’s possible that you have one side of your lip hanging over the hole farther than the other side. Etc. There are various reasons this could happen. Great question! ~Rebecca

    1. Hi Tully, yes there are some tricks to getting that F out. Assuming you don’t have any leaks or messed up mechanism on your flute, you’ll want to experiment with blowing a big ‘softer’ at first on that note. Also, think of blowing warm air- like when you want to fog up a glass. The next thing is to be sure your head is not tipped down- keep your chin up and stay level-headed. Last thing to check is that your flute head joint isn’t tipped ‘in’ towards your face. These should totally help. Glad you asked! Keep it up. 🙂 ~Rebecca

  6. Rebecca, thanks for a great private lesson this week. I officially completed this module 9 when you gave me a green light to move on to the next module. I’ll schedule another lesson in 2 or 3 weeks.
    I have taken 2 private lessons with 2 different instructors. The first teacher told me to just practice till I find the sweet spot. The second teacher told me to relax and blow harder. Neither of them explain anything or care about the posture, technique, embouchure, etc. I love your detailed explanation about everything!

    1. Hi Phong, it was really neat to meet you and help you with your goals. I think you’re going to be a super flutist. Your attention to detail is a dream for a teacher. 🙂 Continue on. You’re definitely ready. Can’t wait to watch your progress! ~Rebecca p.s. post videos if you dare… we all love it, and you’re a great example. ~Rebecca

  7. Thoroughly enjoying the lessons including the 10-day tone classes. I feel like my notes and tone are much improved. My problem is that I can play the tunes relatively well without the accompaniment. However, the minute I try to play with the music, nothing comes out but air for the first few notes. Sometimes I’m able to pick it up for a couple measures, but by mid tune, I’ve lost it again. Part of the problem may be that the speed is always a little quicker on the accompaniment. Even if I finally get it together, when I try to record with accompaniment….well, let’s just say it isn’t pretty. Very frustrating.

    1. Hi Linda, yes I completely understand. It sounds like you’re doing well though. It takes a whole ‘new’ level to get yourself to before you can play fluently with the accompaniment. Over-practice, and play at different speeds. Then practice singing to the accompaniment. Then, you’ll be ready to play with it. And, you can play with the accompaniment often so you raise your game every single day. Keep it up! 🙂 ~Rebecca

  8. hi Rebecca,

    Oh well …been playing by ear for 40 years….now it’s time to read on the chart and to me it’s not easy. Got to repeat and repeat and repeat those little songs that i can play much easier..without reading ! lol

    Got to learn and master now before it gets tougher later.

    1. Hi Pierre, I’m so glad you’re here to learn how to read the flute music. Your skills will really be enhanced. Stay patient and yes, play/read those little songs over and over. It’ll be fun! You’re great. ~Rebecca

  9. Hi Rebecca! I just wanted to check in and say, “hi.” I am thoroughly enjoying these lessons! I love your easy style and sense of humor. I always end up smiling at some point during the lessons! The “burger” and “bun” cracked me up! Thanks for bringing some levity into my life as well as great flute instruction!


    1. Hi Josh, yes yes- the burger and the bun! Or… the oreo cookie with double stuff in the middle… or the turkey sandwich… or haha we could go on all day with how to make music-learning easier. Glad you’re here! ~Rebecca

  10. Anthony Weaver

    hi Rebecca
    I want to collect the songs that you teach me so that I can go back and play them but I don’t know how to print them.

    1. Anthony, how do you print other things from your computer? Just open the file and then click “File” (at the top left of your computer) and then select “Print”. Or you can right click and choose print. Do you have a printer connected to your computer? Or is it bluetooth?

  11. Hi Rebecca
    I have sent you a voice recorder for fire fly song but not sure where it went hopefully you get it and like it if not I will send you another one. Thanks

    1. Great Ram, it should have sent me an email. I will be able to click and listen there and send you back an email response. Thanks for sending! Rebecca

  12. Hazal Elif SIRINEL

    Hi, Rebecca! I have a problem with breathing while I’m playing “bye,baby” song. After GG AA GG EE part, I need to stop to breath. What do I need to do?

    1. Hi Hazal, just take a really fast breath and move on. You’ll be fine, and the longer you are learning to play the flute (and practicing) the better you get. Your breathing will get much easier.

  13. mansoreh amindarolzarbi

    Hi Rebeca, Fire fly was a little hard for me,but finally i played it and posted for you. I’m going to play module 10 THANK YOU. please let me know how is your idea my breath when i blow in flute.

  14. ❤️??????????????❤️????????☺️???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  15. I kept debating with myself should I, shouldn’t but the gold levels….I’m so glad I did! Lovin’ it, lovin’ it, lovin’ it! Just finished learning firefly, great little tune too. I’ve printed all the other music available prior to this as well. It’s interesting reading the comments as a can relate to several of the technique difficulties and the answers have been very helpful. The rate I’m learning I feel confident it won’t be too long before I can jam with other musical friends.

    1. Oh Hi Dawn, I’m soooooo glad you did come join us in the Gold Level. You’re SUPER!! I have taken great lengths to preserve the comments in these modules because I too, feel they are very valuable. Thanks for the comments, questions, and enthusiasm! See you soon. ~ Rebecca

  16. Michel Van Eeckhout

    This is awesome, you make us discover music from all over the world. I really enjoyed playing the firefly song 🙂 Thank you for your nice varied choice of music. I subscribed yesterday and I can’t seem to let go of my flute, time passes too quickly, awwww the day is almost over, i’ve been only playing for like huh… 4 hours now… ok I guess i’m having fun 🙂 What amazes me is the rapid progress i’m making !! Thanks again, I can see you put a LOT of work in creating those courses, very good quality !!

    1. Thanks Michel, I just keep turning out new video modules. I am definitely a lot more tech-savvy nowadays than I was in these earliest videos, but I’m glad the content is still good. It’s fun to teach you all! Keep it up. 🙂 ~ Rebecca

  17. you mentioned to make your mouth shaped like when your saying “ug” i didnt see it in any of the videos, do you know which one its in?

    1. Mahmoud El-mallah

      the silver level modules i guess , i remember seeing it couple of days ago , maybe one of the first videos

  18. Bethany Churchill

    hey! my flute came with flute grease, do you have a module on what to use it for? and if you don’t can you tell me what it is for? and I am having some trouble playing “Baby Bunting” on the part where it is GG AA GG EE because I can do the GG AA GG part but when I get to the EE part I don’t have enough breath to do it so it sounds all windy, do you have any advice?? thank you!!! I love your methods they really work!!

    1. Hey Bethany, great question about the grease. Actually it’s best to NOT use any grease on your flute. It’s a mystery to me (and other reputable flutists/technicians) why it is offered. Just keep it clean and put it away in your case daily and it’ll stay great.
      About Bye Baby Bunting – it’s totally normal for quite a while to run out of breath. Just take a little sneaky breath when needed. The exercises and pieces I give you upcoming will strengthen your abilities and you’ll soon make it with no problem. Always go back and review the pieces you’ve learned daily. This will be really important! 🙂 Rebecca

  19. Hi Rebecca,

    I just feel like saying hi and thank you! I actually find the low notes on my new better flute (a pearl step-up)easier than the middle/high ones, and so far am very clumsy changing from C to the higher D and E, but I’m practising like mad! When I had a few flute lessons decades ago I kind of gave up at that stage, thinking I was no good, but you have a reassuring way about your lessons, and I’m loving it all. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Gisela

    1. So glad Gisela, you’ll do great! Keep consistent and follow my lessons in the order I have set for you. You can always read the comments and ask questions also. I love watching you all progress! 🙂 ~ Rebecca

  20. Hi Rebecca,

    I am having currently having problems with C natural. Flute seem to slip and then I loose concentration on the other notes.

    1. Hi Joanna, yes- that C is the first really tricky note you get to learn. The secret is to “crook” your first finger back like a hook… then keep the flute balanced right on top of your palm bone. I’ve had this question a couple of times lately, so I think I’ll make an additional video for you all and send it out within your email series. – I’ll make a note of it in the module as well. The good news is that it will rapidly get better and easier the more you try. 🙂 Rebecca

  21. Hello Rebecka, I thought my notes were a little low to get them clear after the low E F D so I blow in harder they get higher and clearer if I blow harder consistently. Thank you for the beautiful lessons you are so nice I want to learn.

    1. Hi Daniel, yes yes the more “firm” you blow your air the better your tone will be. You just have to learn how to keep the notes in the correct “octave”. Sometimes they need to be high and sometimes they should be low. Keep watching and listening carefully. You’ll do very well. 🙂 Rebecca

      1. Daphne van Emmerik

        Dear Rebecca,

        Are you talking about the same note whan you say “Sometimes they need to be high and sometimes the should be low”?

        I have the experience that when I blow more firm, the note is having a shril sound, especially at the beginnen of the note. When I blow less firm, the tone is warmer and lower.

        Should I exercise until firm blowing gets me a nice tone or am I blowing too firm when the sound is shril?

        Thanks for your answer!

  22. the firefly song was so fun to practice. This is a great lesson for me. I am in San Bernadino now when i get home i will play this song for my family wish me luck!
    PS you are the best flute teacher ever! Thank you for teaching me all of this.

  23. Hi Rebecca, I find the D note to be a more accurate note” than others so far. is D a more exact and unforgiving note? is the way we blow into getting a D different than getting a B or a A etc? Thanks… Johnny

    1. Hi Johnny, it’s interesting that you like your D more than some of the other notes. You must be a good firm spitter. 🙂 The D is often a problem note for many beginners because they are not using a strong enough air stream. So, congratulations for that! *you’ll begin to notice that every single note has its own “personality”. ..

  24. Ginifer Wallace

    Hi Rebecca,
    I live in a small town in the mountains of Colorado. For quite a while I looked for a flute instructor with no luck, then I found your program online. I am so happy I did! I played the flute in middle school but didn’t stick with it so I am re-learning everything. You have taught me so much in just a few videos. For instance, I was never taught how to tune my flute or what that mark on the rod even was. I am really enjoying your lessons.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ginifer – glad to meet you! I am so happy you found me too. I will be doing my best to teach you everything you need to know. This is all for people just like you who just want to learn. 🙂 Rebecca

  25. All I can say is “thank you.” You are a wonderful teacher and I am learning so much so quickly. I practice almost every day because I love hearing and FEELING my progress. I’m not getting dizzy anymore and my flute doesn’t feel like some awkward piece of metal in my hands. So, thank you!

    1. Hi Kay, I’m so glad to hear this. I am SO happy that you are learning from me. My program really does work very well. Happy “not so awkward” day!! Love it! Rebecca

  26. Hi Rebecca! First, thank you so much for providing this service. I can’t find many dates on your site so I hope you are still monitoring this site. I was wondering if we are supposed to practice each song until we get it “perfect”? I am doing pretty good but have trouble hitting those low notes every time. Also I run out of breath on Bye Baby Bunting. Do I just move on assuming that those skills will come or do I stay here a while longer? Also, I feel like my notes sound kind of airy….what to do about that?! Thanks again…

    1. Hi Garet, yes I”m here every single day answering and monitoring. I am still uploading new modules weekly as well… you’ll be glad to know there is a lot more fun to be had here. I see dates on my side so no worries. Yes, repeat each module until you feel it is as perfect as you can get it. Then you can move on. You’ll notice that the learning goes in “waves”. Some modules will feel much easier than others. This is normal, and I have set it all up this way. You’ll be super successful, and I’m already excited to watch you progress.
      With each passing module you will learn more and more about getting better tone. It’s quite a recipe, and you can do it. Running out of breath is also very normal. The longer you play and follow my tips you’ll find that this starts to subside. It’s all about the size of your hole (in your lips) at first. You’ll be learning to train your lips to close the hole so no extra air is wasted. This not only keeps you from running out of breath quickly, but it also clears up your tone. It’ll be great! Thanks for the comment. -Rebecca

  27. Also like to mention that reading the music is not so scary as I thought would be you make it so easy to understand, thanks L

  28. Hi Rebecca, just letting you know am loving the firefly tune having n with that, I find the more I relax into the tune the better I play , sometimes when you try to concentrate to hard you sorta loose it , better when you go with the flow , having fun with the lessons and keeping up with it thanks again Lorraine

  29. So happy to learn how to read the scales! That was my first worry about start playing the flute. I always asked myself: Could I learn to read all that one day? I was really afraid of that some months ago… not any more!
    That was really a miracle for me!

    1. I’m so glad to hear this Valeria. Later on I start showing you different skills. These early skills and note-reading are KEY to your SUCCESS. Learn it well. It’s up to you. Happy to be your teacher. 🙂

  30. Hello Rebecca,

    Thanks you for the info. I ean that I am not getting it to sound solid. It is the hardest note I have run into.
    Thanks you So much.

    1. Marty – Is it the D? It definitely needs a stronger air stream than the other notes for sure. You can do it. It takes a lot of repeat practicing, but don’t be afraid of that. You can do it. 🙂

    1. Sure Marty, I’d love to help you with that D. My questions are: 1. What exactly is your “trouble” and 2. In this module I teach the 2nd octave D, not the low D… so I need to be sure we are talking about the same “D”. *I don’t teach the “low D” until a later date because it’s not such a good one for learners at this stage. I’ll show it to you when the time is appropriate though, don’t worry. 🙂

  31. Hi Rebecca!
    The pdf sheet of By baby bunting has an extra G (double G) before the final E.
    Can you confirm that for me?
    It seems that I need just one final G Right?
    Lots of fun with the golden lessons!

    Thank you! 🙂

    1. Hi Valeria – my goodness you’re right. There is an extra G right before the last note in the PDF. I would really appreciate if you could email me anything you think needs “tweaking” within these modules. I made them a long time ago and unless someone told me there might be a problem, I just left it as is. Thank you! I will upload a new copy of the Bye Baby Bunting tomorrow with the correct notation at the end. Thank you!

      1. Rebecca, I can understand you very much cause I also prepare materials to my classes and I always ask the participants to tell me if there´s something lacking or “strange“.
        Really happy to have noticed that cause that was by ear and then I checked the pdf to confirm.
        Thank you for all the encouragment! 😉

      2. Geraldine Barnes-Hampton

        I love how you get joy from “tweaking” feedback! Perhaps you might add a “1, 2, Ready, Play” to Module 8, Lesson 4 (at 1:15secs) just before the accompaniment begins. It would really help me to start playing on time. Thanks!

    1. Steve, is the vaseline going on your lips or on your flute? I think if your lips are super dry you’ll find a quick swipe of stiff chapstick works best, but really it’s going to be up to you how it feels. If it’s thick and goopy it’ll mess up your tone, but a teeny bit just to keep the dryness away will probably do you wonders. You’ll get to decide. Great question! Thanks

  32. Can You teach how to play a trill? I Think I got one down pat and my Mom thinks so to. But I want other people to be able to do it too, It is so fun!

    1. Hey Marty – trills are coming for sure. You’ll see them throughout the modules. They’re fun, fun, fun. (and sometimes challenging) 🙂

  33. Hi Rebecca,
    I just wanted to say that I LOVED playing Firefly!! I sooooo glad I can relearn the flute!!
    God Bless,
    Hannah Low

  34. thanks Rebecca, it still takes sometime to find the sweetspot on my headjoint and I think I roll the flute in towards me as I play, thanks that really helped with the low notes! Now if I could just play the 1/8 notes without running out of breathe! I really look forward to the lessons, thanks again!

    1. Cristi – a huge amount of progress happens while you move through these modules. Make sure to go back to your old “easy” tunes and see how you sound on them now. I bet they’re even better than before… eh? Good luck, keep it up!

  35. Alphonsus Geerlings

    Hi, Masja danki (papiamento=thank you) The firefly was ok. Using my laptop and also works fine. Will try the mike again. Donalfonso

    1. Oh good, can’t wait to hear from you. I’m happy fireflies went so well. Keep playing it daily for a very long time. 🙂

  36. Hi Rebecca
    Nice song,but I am having trouble playing E in eighth notes, as soon as I try to play short notes the sound goes up an octave! no problem when playing quarter notes, any suggestions.

    1. Hey Cristi – I totally know why your E is accidentally playing up an octave. Here’s the fix: your head joint is rolled too far “in” towards your face. You need to make sure it is “out” more – meaning pretty level (parallel) to the ceiling. That E is commonly “squeaky” when the air stream hits the outside edge of the lip plate (hole) at too much of an angle. The fix is completely easy – just roll the flute out when this happens.. you’ll immediately hear it “FIX” to the proper octave. Great Question!! *I explain this more in the modules, just keep moving.

  37. I am having a blast! This is great fun and I love everyone’s comments as well. I started your Gold lessons just yesterday and it is addictive! Thank you Rebecca.

  38. Rebecca, I have found that I loose my embouchure and sound as I play firefly…also the notes slightly hesitate to come out. I think I start out well but then I think I am rolling my flute out as I play. Is that a common problem with new players? Do you have any suggestions on technique to avoid this from happening? Also what can I do to help the note respond to my blowing?
    By the way, thank you for taking the time to offer this feedback. I think this is fantastic and very unique way to learn. I feel blessed and privileged to have this opportunity to learn from you.- Donna

    1. Hey thanks Donna. Great question here. I am going to have to assume that your flute is moving ever so slightly as you blow or move your fingers. That very slight movement is enough for it to not allow your air to be in the perfect spot right on time. Watch yourself play in front of a mirror – you’ll get a lot of clues to the issue.

      Also, you can check to see if your tongue speed is slow. Some students don’t realize how much air pressure they need and they may do their tonguing with more of a “th” sound (like the word thistle). This is not an effective way of getting your sound to pop out right when you need it to. If this happens to you it’s easy to fix. Just poke your tongue out a bit past your lips and really go for it.

      *Also, don’t hesitate to sign up for a skype lesson. It’s really great for quick trouble shooting and I can give you even more tips in a jiffy as we trouble-shoot or just check everything in general. 🙂

      1. Thanks for your reply. I am doing that thistle sound so I will start working on fixing that but for my flute moving ,,,I am a little confused because when I watch you blow on the flute it looks like your moving your lips each time you take a note…your lips don’t stay in the same position….doesn’t that make your flute move? Ok..this may be a crazy question but how do I move my lips and not move that chin?!

        I would love to take a skype lesson with you. Have to get my skype working…and I promise I will look into it. I think it would help a lot. Thanks again, Donna

        1. Great question about the flute moving on/off your lips Donna.
          Put your flute in the perfect little spot first, then breathe …and even though your jaw and face are moving when you breathe, your flute doesn’t even slip or move a single, tiny bit when you do this.
          Practice putting your flute in its spot and then moving your jaw up and down – see that? It stays right where it is. (it should anyway) The flute moves WITH your face as you breathe.

  39. Alexader Gramajo

    hi! going up on the scale from E F G I have no problem but going down G F E is when I lose the sound, but I think is my aiming, I will keep on practicing and i’ll let you know… thanks

  40. Alexader Gramajo

    hi, hope all is well! I can play the sound E so easy but I still have some trouble make the F sound is it normal?

    1. Usually E is trickier than F (in the lower octave). Sometimes you may be over or underblowing. Try blowing harder and then softer. Which one is better?

    1. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! Abdu, you have a really good start here. I am proud of you. Your beat is excellent as is also your finger/hand position. You’ll be able to continue progressing with tone and tongue/lips throughout the modules. I’ll show you how, no worries. Love it!! Show us more!

      1. Oh thats lovely! thanks alor for your spur. So excited to get to the other modules, I’m sure there are alot more to learn. Thank you! 🙂

  41. Christina Dumas

    HI Rebecca…

    We love these lessons. So fun and gentle.

    My daughter’s flute just sounds so airy lately. Her notes are “On key” and she is blowing hard. She had no problem learning F or E, and really just makes a good sound, no squeaks. But it always just sounds so airy no matter what she plays. It’s an inexpensive flute…(Jupiter Student Flute brand new) but I seem to think that it gets airier and airier. What should we do?

    1. Hi Sandra/Christina, I’m glad you like the lessons. The Jupiter Student flute is a very good flute for beginners (my favorite). If it is new and in good condition, I imagine the airiness comes from just being new. Can I listen to her? Send me a quick voice message – go to:

  42. Hi Rebecca, Again great lessons and tips. It is interesting how your mind want to play a song (Firefly in this case) but somehow your fingers go the wrong direction! I guess that would be just repeating and my brain will work with me in time 😉 It took me i about 8 times before i could play it without going wrong! And still my mind is nervous and i tens up… I guess tonight will be firefly repeats for me until i will dream the song 🙂

    1. Yes, play it over and over until it pops into your mind at all times of day. You will begin to associate which direction your fingers should move to get to the tones you hear. It’s an amazing method for learning! Sweet dreams!

    2. Geraldine Barnes-Hampton

      🙂 LOL! I’m totally with you on this Kim! My mind wants to play another “A” but my fingers just want to gallop down the flute! Tomorrow I’m going to start learning Mindfulness Meditation. I intend to use the skills to calm myself before playing along.

    1. Hey Amy, you’re really learning fast. Good job! I think you can work on leveling your flute up a little more. That bit-of-slant will bother your tone for the rest of forever.. 🙂 I love seeing your updates. And, I’m sure everyone else does too!

      1. Amy Milholland

        Thank you. And thank you for the advice. I have also noticed that keeping the flute level helps with hitting the higher notes too. I will be cognizant of trying to keep my flute level in future videos and in future practicing.

  43. rufus williams

    hi yes it is i have had my flute for about 1 year or more and i did learn some but with this waaaoooo i j can’t just can wait but i have to take my time and learn it the correct way

  44. rufus williams

    hi i just started on my gold lessons this evening and got as far as module #9 i did very well am gonna go over them again thank you Rebecca

    1. Awesome, Rufus. Isn’t it fun to be able to learn so much this quickly? And so well? I love this method as well.

  45. I’ve been working on Bye Baby Bunting. I can get good tone with the E as it is and I can get good tone moving from G to E in practice. However when put together in a song form I don’t seem to be able to move fluidly between those two notes. I will keep working on it. I guess it just takes practice. I wish I could send you a video but I do not have that capability just yet. I don’t know if it is the way that I am holding my flute or how my mouth is positioned. It seems like I don’t have enoughy “oomph” to produce that E.

    Thank you for these modules. I will keep working at it. You will be seeing me in this module for a while yet. I don’t want to move on until I am comfortable with the songs provided here.

    1. Hi Donna, I’m glad you’re working hard on it. Remember that the low E is one that is definitely a “work-in-progress” for a while. It will continue to improve as you do. You can try sending me a voice message (bottom right of the Gold Lesson pages). I’ll take a quick listen and see what I can tell. I’m guessing that you’re just kind of new at low E, and it really does take several weeks to get it more solid on a consistent basis. 🙂 But, it’ll happen– I have no doubt.

  46. Hi Rebecca I going to Johnson city not long away from my house and just 2 people for my school in 5th grade are going!!!! 🙂 😀

  47. Hi, Rebecca,
    in the second lesson of module 9 you presented “a new Face”, without introducing us to the person. It looked a little ghastly. Though I know we have no right to get such informations I found ist very impressive that an how you introduced us to your sons.
    Do not annoy, I am very comfortable with your lessons.

    1. There are a few new faces throughout the modules. Just to give you someone interesting to look at for a minute. 🙂

  48. With my left hand ringfinger I can only achieve a very small amplitude. Furthermore it is hard to prevent the pinky or the tall man to go with the ringfinger. My right hand obeys a little better.

    1. Hi Diedrich, the left hand ring finger is a bummer, isn’t it? The more you use your fingers on your left hand (one at a time) the better it gets. Keep it up!

  49. thank you very much im getting better and better after each lesson of yours. you r the BTE=best teacher ever thanks love ya

  50. Hi Rebecca,

    I can’t open the bye baby bunting pdf with adobe reader after i downloaded it onto my computer. The bye baby bunting file seems to be a png file and not a pdf file. Is it possible to re-upload the bye baby bunting file as a pdf?

    Thanks a lot!

    – Claire

    1. Oh my, Claire. I have checked bye baby bunting pdf and you are right… it was set as a png instead of pdf. Silly me. No one else has mentioned this. You get the brownie points for the day. Good job! I have fixed it now. And, thank you for catching this mistake. 🙂

  51. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall seen lessons about the C# or E before in the previous lessons.

      1. Hi Antonio, thanks so much for asking. The C# was taught in the earliest modules. It is the fingering where you only have your right hand pinky on. Keep it up. It looks like you are doing great!

    1. Hi Isai, I think I know the trouble. E is a squeaky note if your flute is tipped in just a little too much towards your mouth. Turn it out so it is level with the ceiling. This should fix the “too high” sound you are describing. 🙂

    1. Oh Julio, I am SO proud of you! This has made me smile all morning. You have a great sense of rhythm and are following along really well. I can’t wait to see what else you can do as you move through the modules. 🙂

  52. I have realized that I have been playing a D incorrectly for a very long time. Now I really see how it is important not to skip any modules.

    1. Oh, I love this post. I wish I could frame it on the walls of all of my student’s homes. Ya, I wasn’t crazy after-all, right? Keep it in order and you’ll do REALLY well. Skip around, and you’ll soon be frustrated and wonder why things are sounding funny. GREAT JOB BRIAN!!! Love you for this post. 🙂

  53. I like your easy style of teaching. With each lesson you really are moving along in skill level and it doesn’t seem hard at all. I loved learning the simple song “Firefly”

  54. Julio Cesar A. F. Oliveira

    Hi Rebecca,

    I´m doing the fingers exercice well, but with a litle problem with my 3rd finger.
    Do you know some exercice to stretch out it?

    1. Sure Julio, try this one (besides what I show you in the videos about this silly finger); place a pile of small items like peas, rice kernels, marbles, etc. on a plate in front of you and to the right. Use your thumb and 3rd finger of your left hand to pick them up one at a time. Time yourself. How fast can you do it? Repeat daily for a week and see if you feel any improvement. Report back, I’m curious.

  55. Thank you so much for making these lessons we cant find a teacher but even if we could your lessons are so great!!!!! 😀

          1. what do you do when your dun eating dinner,breafest or lunch and you want to ply your flute

          2. Hey Alan, great question. If you have just finished eating something you’ll need to rinse your mouth out. – especially if you have eaten something sweet like fruit, candy or syrup. The sugars stay in your saliva for quite some time and that gets blown into your flute. Then what happens is the sugary condensation dries up and leave the sugary residue in your flute and on its pads. Then when you go to play again your breath will “re-wet” the residue and make the inside of your flute and the pads STICKY. Yuck. Brush your teeth and drink some water before you play. 🙂

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