The Recipe to Learn to Play the Flute Without Taking a Lifetime

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The Recipe to Learn to Play the Flute Without Taking a Lifetime

I always say that flute players are some of the smartest and most organized musicians out there (I may be a little biased haha). It seems to me that flute players have some sort of built in desire to push themselves to be the best they can be. This tends to overflow into more than just flute playing. Let’s look at the recipe to learn to play the flute without taking a lifetime (even though you’ll love it so much it will be something you use for your lifetime).

When I begin learning something new (whether it is a new recipe, a cleaning technique, or a new solo piece) I am driven to learn it as quickly as I can. Many of you can relate, right?

I have been playing for many years and years.

It is important to know that learning to play the flute is something that requires time and dedication. It isn’t something that can be learned over a week or even a month. I am still perfecting and practicing skills on my flute and I have been playing for many years and years.

That being said, there are some things that can help you speed up the learning process.


  1. Have your flute checked by a professional flute technician to make sure your flute is in the proper working condition. Having a flute that is not in good condition will prevent you from learning to your potential.
  2. Find a professional flute teacher. Check! Here at Learn Flute Online I teach only the correct techniques and am always here to help you with questions.
  3. Set aside the time to practice. Like I said before, learning to play the flute well takes time and dedication. The more time you are willing and able to set aside for practicing, the quicker you will learn. Remember that it is okay to take breaks in your practice time each day to stretch and relax.
  4. Practice perfectly. What I mean by this is to make sure that you are practicing the right techniques, notes, and rhythms. Practicing things wrong can create bad habits, so make sure that you are correcting your mistakes while you are practicing. Slowly and perfectly will win every time!

If you follow these suggestions, you will be playing better than you could have imagined in no time. I believe in you, and I’m your biggest cheerleader!

You can do it 🙂

Have any questions? Comment below and I will help you out.

Rebecca FullerRebecca Fuller
Get Flutie with us! Learn and enjoy every musical minute.

3 thoughts on “The Recipe to Learn to Play the Flute Without Taking a Lifetime”

  1. Number 4 is always my downfall. “slowly and perfectly”… I move too quickly.. I know I should never play the piece any faster than I can play the most difficult passage… I also know it’s very easy to say that, and sometimes very difficult to do! 🙂

    1. Yup. It’s a ‘thing’ all of us have to think about. We know where we want to go, and just can’t wait to get there. It’s okay- remember to continue building the foundation and then suddenly certain levels are a piece of cake! ~Rebecca

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